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Welcome to White Knoll High School, home of the Timberwolves! A thriving learning environment dedicated to supporting academic excellence, personal growth, and a strong sense of community. We pride ourselves on providing a challenging curriculum, diverse extracurricular activities, and a dedicated faculty who support students in reaching their full potential. 

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News and Events

Explore Lexington One




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Principal’s Corner

Nicholas Pearson

We believe accountability; therefore, we demonstrate personal responsibility and professionalism through behavioral and academic expectations and policies for ALL school stakeholders.

We believe in lifelong learning and strive to provide a physically and emotionally safe environment for learning that accounts for the social and emotional needs of  our staff and students. In our new reality of virtual learning, our staff has embraced the use of innovative tools and resources that promote high quality teaching and learning.

Respect is foremost in our efforts to provide equitable learning opportunities for our students and staff. Our professional learning plan resects the various needs and interests of our staff by differentiating professional learning opportunities for the staff every semester.

In addition to our core values, our students and staff have embraced the motto, "Believe, Achieve, Succeed." As members of the Timberwolf Pack, we truly believe that we possess the talent to lead our students to high levels of achievement and success.